
Edorium Journal of Dentistry



Volume 11 Issue 2 (July–December 2024)  In Progress    (Accepting Submissions)
Volume 10 Issue 1 (January–June 2023)

Research Article

The effect of “Alveolex” in preventing of alveolar ostitis associated with extraction of lower molar teeth in Mosul dental teaching hospital

Waseem Khalid Mahmood, Noor A Sulaiman, Saif Saad Ali Al-Jewari

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2023;10(1):1-6. doi: 10.5348/100045D01WM2023RA

Volume 9 Issue 2 (July–December 2022)

Research Article

A retrospective study of endodontic treatment among patients in Southwest Nigeria

Adenike Ololade Awotile, Lillian Lami Enone, Temitope Olabisi Omosebi, Olugbenga Adetokunbo Adenuga-Taiwo

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2022;9(2):1-9. doi: 10.5348/100044D01AA2022RA

Volume 8 Issue 1 (January–June 2021)

Review Article

Treatment modalities for peri-implantitis: A review of literature

Alyaa I Naser, Rayan S Hamed

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2021;8:100043D01AN2021. doi: 10.5348/100043D01AN2021RA

Case Report

Utilization of nano-hydroxyapatite mixed with platelet rich fibrin for reconstruction of severe atrophied over pneumatized maxilla: A case report

Gustavo Helder Vinholi, Igor da Silva Brum, Renan Lana Devita, João Carlos Lopes Amorim, Marco Antônio Alencar de Carvalho, Jorge José de Carvalho

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2021;8:100042D01GV2021. doi: 10.5348/100042D01GV2021CR

Technical Reports

The preservative confidentiality of formalin 10% on post-dental implant stability (in vitro study)

Abdul Hameed N Aldabagh, Ziad H Deleme, Alyaa I Naser

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2021;8:100041D01AA2021. doi: 10.5348/100041D01AA2021TR

Volume 7 Issue 1 (January–June 2020)

Review Article

Impacts of novel pandemic coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on dental practice: A review of the current literature

Payman Kh Mahmud, Shakhawan M Ali, Dana Khdr Sabir

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2020;7:100040D01PM2020. doi: 10.5348/100040D01PM2020RV

Volume 6 Issue 2 (July–December 2019)


Eco-dentistry: Need of hour

Abdul Habeeb Bin Mohsin

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100039D01AM2019. doi: 10.5348/100039D01AM2019ED

Volume 6, Issue 1 (January–June 2019)

Original Article

The interrelationship of arbitrary surface inter-condylar distance, freeway space, rest vertical dimension and occlusal vertical dimension

Adenike Ololade Awotile, Adulphus Odogun Loto, Olugbenga Adetokunbo Adenuga-Taiwo

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100038D01AO2019. doi: 10.5348/100038D01AO2019OA

Case Report

A novel treatment of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis using ozone therapy

Ketkee P Asnani, Gurbani Kaur, Dinesh Hingorani, Harjeet Kaur Sekhon

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100037D01KA2019. doi: 10.5348/100037D01KA2019CR

Original Article

The effect of length and diameter of dental implants on primary stability (experimental study on tibia of the sheep)

Huda A. Salim, Alyaa I. Naser, Abdulhameed N. Aldabagh

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100036D01HS2019. doi: 10.5348/100036D01HS2019OA

Original Article

Prevalence of periodontal diseases among patients who attended the University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences Polyclinic-Dental Clinic in the year 2017

Marie Aimee Dusenge, Vestine Abimana, Emmanuel Nzabonimana, Anne Marie Uwitonze

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100035D01MD2019. doi: 10.5348/100035D01MD2019OA


Paediatric oral health and climate change

Arthur Musakulu Kemoli

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2019;6:100034D01AK2019. doi: 10.5348/100034D01AK2019ED

Volume 5, Issue 2 (July–December 2018) 

Original Article

Relative frequency and pattern of usage of stock teeth in removable partial dentures in a clinical setting in Nigeria

Olugbenga Adetokunbo Adenuga-T, Adolphus Odogun Loto, Adenike Ololade Awotile, Ifeoma Nkiruka Menakaya

Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:100033D01OT2018. doi: 10.5348/100033D01OT2018CR

Volume 5, Issue 1 (January–June 2018) 

Case Report
Traumatic avulsion and delayed replantation of maxillary incisors in an eleven-year-old child
Gokcen Deniz Bayrak
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:100032D01GB2018.  Article ID:100032D01GB2018  doi:10.5348/100032D01GB2018CR
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Original Article
Comparision of mesiodistal and bucco-lingual dimensions of permanent teeth in North-Indians and North-East Indians: Racial dimorphism as an identification parameter
Harjeet Kaur Sekhon, Priyanka Sharma, Jyoti Sharma, Harmanpreet Singh, Simranjit Singh
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:100031D01HS2018.  Article ID:100031D01HS2018  doi:10.5348/100031D01HS2018OA
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Case Report
Utilization of minimally invasive principles in restoring congenitally malformed teeth
Julia J. Ma, Ram M. Vaderhobli
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:100030D01JM2018.  Article ID:100030D01JM2018  doi:10.5348/100030D01JM2018CR
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Original Article
Systematizing mandibular reconstruction using the resin frame method
Junichi Hayasaka, Shunji Sarukawa, Hiroto Itoh, Yoshiaki Takai, Mikio Kusama, Yoshiyuki Mori, Akitoshi Katsumata
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:100029D01JH2018.  Article ID:100029D01JH2018  doi:10.5348/100029D01JH2018OA
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Phytochemicals in pediatric dentistry
Deepak Viswanath
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2018;5:1–3.  Article ID:100028D01DV2018  doi:10.5348/D01-2018-28-ED-1
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Volume 4, Issue 2 (July - December 2017)

Original Article
Health insurance status of female caregivers and its effect on the utilization of oral healthcare for children with HIV/AIDS in Nairobi, Kenya
Masiga Mary Atieno, Wandibba Simiyu
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:38–44.  Article ID:100027D01MA2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-27-OA-7
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Letter to the Editor
Roxolid: A milestone in implant dentistry
Gupta Ashutosh, MDS
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:36–37.  Article ID: 100026D01AG2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-26-LE-6
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Review Article
Dental occlusion: A newly proposed tetrahedral theory of occlusion
Adolphus Odogun Loto
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:26–35.  Article ID: 100025D01AL2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-25-RA-5
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Volume 4, Issue 1 (January–June 2017)

Prevention: Better to prepare than repair
Abdul Habeeb Bin Mohsin
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:24–25.  Article ID: 100024D01AM2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-24-ED-4
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Review Article
Dental alterations in sickle cell anemia
Antonio Fabrizio Nifosì, Pablo Castelló, Lorenzo Nifosì, Gianfilippo Nifosì
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:19–23.  Article ID: 100023D01AN2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-23-RA-3
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Original Article
Impact of dental caries on the oral health related quality of life of urban slum children in Nairobi, Kenya
Immaculate Achieng Opondo, Arthur Musakulu Kemoli, James Lwanga Ngesa
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:12–18.  Article ID:100022D01IO2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-22-OA-2
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Original Article
Oral health practices, plaques scores and gingivitis in children between 2–15 years old and living with HIV in Nairobi and Mombasa (Kenya)
Mariam Hussein, Gladys Opinya
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2017;4:1–11  Article ID: 100021D01MH2017  doi:10.5348/D01-2017-21-OA-1
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Volume 3, Issue 2 (July–December 2016)

Original Article
Pattern and treatment needs of traumatized anterior permanent teeth in a sub-urban area in Lagos State
Piponsuhu R.A., Agbaje M.O., Osisanya M.O., Oyapero A.
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:54–62  Article ID: 100020D01PA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-20-OA-7
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Original Article
Impact of orthodontic treatment on oral health related quality of life at a Tertiary Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria: A pilot study
Oyapero A., Ogunbanjo B.O., Adegbite K.O., Ajisafe O.A.
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:45–53  Article ID: 100019D01OA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-19-OA-6
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Volume 3, Issue 1 (January–June 2016)

Original Article
Effects of positioning upon the vertical dimension on cone beam computed tomography
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:40–44.  Article ID: 100018D01OA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-18-OA-5
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Original Article
A descriptive study on the perception of health care workers to dental treatment at a tertiary hospital in Lagos, Nigeria
Oyapero A., Ogunbanjo V.O.
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:30–39.  Article ID: 100017D01OA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-17-OA-4
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Original Article
Assessment of sedation need in a group of patients undergoing dental treatment at a tertiary facility in Lagos State
Oyapero A., Enone L.L., Osasuyi A.
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:21–29.  Article ID: 100016D01OA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-16-OA-3
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Original Article
Factors associated with knowledge and attitude to the use of dental floss at some private and public dental clinics in Lagos State
Oyapero A., Owoturo E.O.
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:12–20.  Article ID: 100015D01OA2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-15-OA-2
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Original Article
Modification of heat cured acrylic resin by using additives to make a flexible acrylic resin denture base material: A pilot study
Nadira A. Hatim, Amer A. Taqa, Sufian A. Yassin
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2016;3:1–11.  Article ID: 100014D01NH2016  doi:10.5348/D01-2016-14-OA-1
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Volume 2, Issue 2 (July–December 2015)

Case Report
Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia of mandibular jaw: A case report and literature review
Shahabe Saquib Abullais, Priyanka, Nitin Kudyar, G. Kapil, Prashanth Shetty
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:61–64.  Article ID: 100013D01SA2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-13-CR-11
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Original Article
Root thickness evaluation of mandibular incisors
Nahid Mohammadzadeh Akhlaghi, Bahareh Dadresanfar, Pooneh Mohebbi, Mehdi Vatanpour, Shabnam Sohanian
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:56–60.  Article ID: 100012D01NA2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-12-OA-10
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Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH): A possible factor in the high prevalence of dental caries in developing nations
Arthur Musakulu Kemoli
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:51–55.  Article ID: 100011D01AK2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-11-ED-9
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Case Report
A minimally invasive approach for aesthetic enhancement using indirect composite veneers: A case report
Gufran Ali Syed, Bhanupratap Singh Sisodiya, Aparna Palekar, Vijay Mantri, Suruchi Sisodia
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:47–50.  Article ID: 100010D01GS2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-10-CR-8
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Antibacterial prophylaxis of surgical site infections in oral surgery: Not only and not always systemic antibiotics
Roberto Pippi
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:43–46.  Article ID: 100009D01RP2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-9-ED-7
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Review Article
Surgically-based methods to modify orthodontic tooth movement: A literature review
María Cadenas de Llano-Pérula, Alejandro Iglesias-Linares
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:35–42.  Article ID: 100008D01ML2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-8-OA-6
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Original Article
Vertical removal force and torsional resistance of a screwless Morse taper implant connection
Arda Ozdiler, Enishan Ozcan, Omer Kutay, Gulbahar ISIK-OZKOL
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:29–34.  Article ID: 100007D01AO2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-7-OA-5
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Volume 2, Issue 1 (January–June 2015)

Original Article
Antibacterial properties of new calcium based cement prepared from egg shell
Emad F. Alkhalidi, Talal H. Alsalman, Amer A. Taqa
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:21–28.  Article ID: 100006D01EA2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-6-OA-4
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Case Series
Is human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) a risk factor to development of dental caries and molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in children?
Arthur Musakulu Kemoli, Immaculate Opondo, Gladys Opinya
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:15–20.  Article ID: 100005D01AK2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-5-CS-3
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Original Article
Improvement of dental nurses awareness of school dental sealant quality following the audit and feedback system: First phase of implementation
Sukanya Tianviwat, Janpim Hintao, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Songchai Thitasomakul
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:7–14.  Article ID: 100004D01AM2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-4-OA-2
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Case Series
Endodontic treatment of large periapical lesions: An alternative to surgery
Asunción Mendoza-Mendoza, Carolina Caleza-Jiménez, Alejandro Iglesias-Linares, Beatriz Solano-Mendoza, Yañez-Vico RM
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2015;2:1–6.  Article ID: 100001D01AM2015  doi:10.5348/D01-2015-1-CS-1
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Volume 1, Issue 1 (July–December 2014)

Original Article
Ectopic eruption of the permanent maxillary first molar: Study in a population of 505 South European children
Asunción Mendoza-Mendoza, Guadalupe Villalon-Rivero, Ernesto González-Mallea, Carolina Caleza-Jiménez, Beatriz Solano-Mendoza, Rosa Yañez-Vico, Alejandro Iglesias-Linares
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2014;1:7–11.  Article ID: 100002D01AM2014  doi:10.5348/D01-2014-2-OA-2
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Case Series
Apexification with MTA plug in the upper anterior teeth: Presentation of three clinical cases
Asunción Mendoza-Mendoza, M Cruz Moreno-Hidalgo, Carolina Caleza-Jiménez, Alejandro Iglesias-Linares, Rosa Yañez-Vico, Beatriz Solano-Mendoza
Edorium Journal of Dentistry 2014;1:1–6.  Article ID: 100001D01AM2014  doi:10.5348/D01-2014-1-CS-1
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